Thursday, 25 February 2010

Into The Wild

30 Seconds To Mars' set was dramatic from start to finish; pyrotechnics, big screens, military style get ups and one hell of a light show. Performing to a practically sold out crowd, the Tinseltown natives played every show stopper from This Is War, A Beautiful Lie and all bits inbetween. Think The Kill, Closer To The Edge and Night Of The Hunter.

Then the lights went out. One single spotlight hit the box in Cardiff International Arena. Jared Leto appeared teetering on the edge clutching his guitar as he perched high above his captivated audience before belting out a tune or three.

Then the lights went out. Three or four masked men ran around the arena wielding high power torches. Then 30 Seconds To Mars appeared in full on the B Stage, located behind the sound deck. With only a small barrier, everyone standing near the back got the rare feeling of elation that you get after hours of queueing scores you the best front-row-centre spot in the house. Jared and Co were mere feet away, Leto scoring a Welsh flag and continuing to wear it for the entire B stage set.

Back to the main stage and it was en core time. Before 30 STM can make it back to the stage the entire crowd start singing the hook for Kings And Queens. Really bloody loudly. The guitar wielding Americans get back to the stage. Thirty fans were called up and Kings And Queens  kicks in. It's moments like that one when you really wish you'd been one of the ones queueing all day in the rain for that best spot in the house.

All in all this has been a pretty good gig with surprises galore. Shame about the long pauses between songs. A 5 minute wait for the final tune is a little long for most.


PS Girls....Jared Leto is as handsome in person as in magazines AND the man can play guitar!

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