Sunday 5 September 2010


With gossip of Lostprophet's Ian Watkins reportedly starring in a bisexual sextape spreading across the ether faster than Usian Bolt, isn't it about time someone gave us a sextape that wasn't cheap, grotesque or dripping in desperation for attention? (IWat's alleged partner/Photoshopper must be proud of their handy-work!) Anyway, it must be our lucky day as Sacramento alt metal icons Deftones serve us up the video for their latest single, aptly named Sextape.
The beautifully shot screen play poses as the perfect match for the sublime new single of critically acclaimed, Diamond Eyes.  Sextape marries Chino Moreno's sublime vocals with seductive moirĂ© and signature delicacy.

Sadly, the embed codes wouln't work so here's the link to the video on Sextape

Aural Fixation

Ooooh! There are a few new bands on the block which have my ear curved their way and I just can't help checking out their tunes and skinny jean clad bums...shameless!

Futures are Ant West, Casey Roarty, George Lindsay and Christian Ward. They hail from glorious London and have an album of sweet rock hooks and melodies called The Holiday. It is sure to make you smile. No, seriously. Do not miss them on tour this September.

 Hands up if you want Blink 182's Tom Delonge to handpick you for the Kerrang! Stage at Slam Dunk 2010? For Newbury's own Francesqa this was the stunning reality. And so they rocked Slam Dunkers with a hard slab of rock adding on a side slice of delicious popability. This is not a bad thing, ok. Francesqa is built out of Ashley Wilkie on vox, Ben Hordos slapping the bass, Warren Senior banging the drums and axemen Joe Hicks and Tom Millar. This is the video for their debut single, Ghosts.

Brothers Nick and Jonathan Diener, Ryan Collins and Anto Boros have been on the punk scene since 2002 as...The Swellers. With latest album Ups And Downsizing under their belt, stints on tour with Paramore and Vans Warped Tour and forthcoming tour as main support slot to current Britrock Breakthrough favourites, Young Guns. Here's the link to Fire Away.

Tuesday 17 August 2010

Oasis, Warriors and Death

Holy crap! What a week or so it has been!

Noel Gallagher is heading back into the studio to record some solo shizzle. Seeing as he was always the talent of Oasis we should be pretty stoked to hear what he has to offer.

The beautiful and talented, erm I mean beautifully talented Brandon Flowers treated homeland Las Vegas to his first solo gig boasting tracks off his debut Flamingo. 

A shock came from hardcore troop Crime In Stereo as they announced their break up via Twitter causing music media to question motives and possible hoaxes. The band had been forced to cancel many recent shows as a result of frontman Kristian Hallbert's jaw infection although it is yet to be confirmed if this is a contributing factor to their demise. Their final words came on August 9th via twitter. A very sad day.

In brighter news, Reading warriors Exit Ten are gearing up to show us what they're capable of as they get brand new tracks ready for their second studio album. Not just another bunch of hardcore lads, they treated fans to news of plans to begin recording their follow-up to debut Remember The Day, in October. Ryan and co, we are super exited for this one! Get your butts to iTunes and download their storming debut offering like, yesterday...or listen here: spotify:user:jessacres:playlist:4Q1A4gSrRtVZeIk6qWt38C

Want to know what the 50 best new artists are of 2010? You have two choices.
1) Get busy and compile your own list of this year's musical El Genios or
2) Let NME do the work for you.

Luckily for us, they already have! Find out who made the top 50 by getting over to for some of 2010's arguably best acts.

Saturday 7 August 2010

Dan's Metal Soapbox: Volume 2

Dream Theater are often accused of being way over the top, unnecessarily complicated musicians regularly trying to out do each other with over complicated soloing (that they sometimes just call their melody lines....). Who doesn't relish a wee bit of healthy competition though? I know where all these people are coming from and in essence they are correct in a lot of cases however; Dream Theater to me are a band that I would not class as metal, rock or even prog metal. They seem to class themselves, fitting nicely into a theatrical metal genre should one ever been conceived. Without a doubt, Dream Theatre set themselves as one of the most versatile bands I have ever heard of. They have one distinctive style, theatrical, and then take that "dreamtheaterness" and add it to any type/style of music that they fancy for that particular album. 

Their most recent album 'Black Clouds And Silver Linings' emits a sound normally akin to having the likes of Slayer and Cradle Of Filth playing in the tour bus on the way to the studio. The guitaring is very screechy and banshee like (very remiscent of Cradle Of Filth...oh, there's the shower of blood soaked studded hats dripping in rage heading straight for my head). Petrucci is a guitarist who makes most of us hate him with envy at the ease, accuracy and speed that he plays with. The drums for one are very heavy if not death metal like at times; it does help that drummer Mike Portnoy is in the drummer Hall of Fame as lets just say he is an epic drummer and is definitely over the top, but sometimes ruins a few things if you ask me. And i am huge fan of them but none the less he is inspiring. Keyboards supplied by Jordan Rudes teamed with vocals by James Labrie are what make no questions that it infact Dream Theater battering your frontal lobes with their signatures styles blaring out in every record. Rudes often sounds as if he is trying to out do Petrucci. If im honest I dont really like what he does live at all because it just becomes pointless and I think it can take away from the music. 

Finally we get to bassist John Myung. Myung is as necessary to Dream Theater as breathing is for life. He is very creative as a bassist and, in my eyes, very clever as he never seems to take anything away from the songs. One gimmik the band has is that each album they have ever produced always leads on to the next album, for instace at the end of the last song 'Finally Free' of the album Metropolis part 2 scenes from a memory the end of the song is that white noise from a tv channel with no tv coming in and the start of the song 'the glass prison' of the new album six degrees of innerturbulence it has the exact same white noise as if the songs where originally 1 incredibly long song!

Musical geniuses they may be but flawed they certainly are; in these flaws their unique style shines through making them the musicians we love.

Dan Colgan

Video Kills

My first week in London. It's busy, busy and, erm, busy! It's Saturday, the girls and I are slightly worse for wear after busting some shapes in Islington's The Old Queen's head last night where Foals put on a DJ set. Good, bad or ugly we can't be sure but what is helping us through the day is tea and music videos.

What Is Light Where Is Laughter and Lightspeed from Twin Atlantic (I couldn't pick just one!) are winners in every sense for me. If you're lucky enough to be seeing Blink 182 on their whistle stop UK 'tour' then do not miss their unparalleled support band.

Caroline is off to Sleigh Bells on Monday so her choice has naturally been from the New York Florida hybrid and scrappy electro-pop noiseniks.  Watch the Kids video.

Kele has caught the eye and ear of Miss Quick with his dreamy vocals, electro dance synths and bulging biceps. Tenderoni is the premier single of his debut solo album and this is the video that has her throwing some shapes around the living inbetween outbursts of Broadway choruses...did you get the hotplate?

For Shelley, sadly we couldn't get hold of any Moist Tights but we did manage to track down some Justin Bieber which, let's be honest, has about the same gross factor so will not be making an appearance on BBPD. Enjoy some Straight Lines instead, Shelley. Their Welsh like you are.

Monday 26 July 2010

Buffalo Thursdays

Bethan Elfyn and the BBC Radio Wales kids have set up a wunderschon music night every Thursday in Buffalo Bar, Cardiff. Last Thursday saw some of Wales' finest under the radar rock acts take to the stage and do their darndest to pep us up. They made us smile, they made us bounce. They put hairs on our chest and they almost made us cry.

Magden Audio tiggered in with their inimitable pop-rock styles; dosing us up with their poignant song titles, lyrics that seem both worldy and angsty all at once and beats that defy you to keep still. Catch them in Cardiff's Clwb Ifor Bach on August 7th with The Undivided and People In Planes.

Snuck into the bill next were Swansea jacks, We're No Heroes. Don't be fooled by their meek and geeky 'image' - it's not an image it's actually them - but prepare to be bowled over by the sheer talent emanating from the Welsh three-piece. Equally sharing out the vocal responsibilities, each Hero takes a turn to add his layer to one hell of a foundation, no man is any way unsure of his instrument or talent creating a Foals-esque sound. Live they are nothing short of wow.

Gaining collumn inches in Rock Sound and Kerrang! is all in a days work for Exit International: Cardiff indie boys and part-time baby killers. The feral punks screamed about Sex With Strangers and ShermanBASTARDfang to the distinctly souless audience that stood (literally just stood) before them; not even the double bass action seemed to be able to stir the static crowd. Sad and surprising times when bubblegum-pop-rock hooks cocktailed with ferocious rock urgency put a smile on your face, a tap in your foot and a small amount of fear in your heart. Exit International, don't fuck with them. They may just cwtch you to death while snorting out The Chainsaw Song and hurling phlegm in your direction with untenable abandon.

Headliners Straight Lines took the cliched route by commanding the, by now nearly full top floor, to move forward to the stage. Who doesn't love a cliche? We sure as hell weren't complaining about being that clos to Tom Jenkin's signature wailing vocals or Todd Campbell's insane body hurling shapes - how exactly does one man and his bass move quite that much? Giving their fans exactly what they wanted in the form of Loose ChangeAntics  and Versus The Allegiance, even the most static gig-goer found it a challenge to keep still. Momentous highlights came when Todd took himself into the third row for the final riffs of their last song and Dane Campbell chilling out behind the skins for the en core.

A fine evening of rock cutting across the genre and spanking it on the way out. Lovely.

For music streaming, tour dates and, in We're No Heroes case, free music downloads get yourselves over to:

Sunday 25 July 2010

Beautiful Is...

Here at BBPD we can't help but get excited by Kings of Emo, Jimmy Eat World's 2010 album release. Yes, yes, we know it's 2 months away, but we're already stoked for 2011's festival season, so what can you do, eh?

Minutes ago, Jimmy Eat World tweeted a stream of 2009's Big Casino B-side, Beautiful Is. Sampling dreamy soundscapes over emo-vocals makes for one interesting listen. Have a listen by following this link

Comment your thoughts of Beautiful Is below and start to get as excited as BBPD for Invented.

Wednesday 21 July 2010

Jimmy Eat World New Album Track Listing

Oooh kids! Not long now until the alternative leviathans, Jimmy Eat World, release their long awaited album: Invented.
The track listing has been revealed on the band's official website

Tuesday 20 July 2010

Bollocks To Poverty!

Action Aid's Bollocks To Poverty Campaign works tirelessly to defeat world hunger through collaborating education with gifts with communication. Using musicians, bands and rock stars to spread their message throughout the world in the loudest possible way. I have submitted my video entry in a bid to become Action Aid's next Backstage Reporter at Reading 2010. Featuring in my video is local HBo Queen, Arron Baudelaire, busking/didgerdoo extraordinaire Didgejay and Save Your Breath's guitar hero, Tom. Click the link below to view my video (Jessica Acreman) and leave your comments.

Thanks so much for your help BBPDers!

Lots of love,
Jess x

Wednesday 14 July 2010

Street Goliaths and Rock n Roll

This weekend I hit up NASS Festival in Royal Bath and West this weekend for a shit load of action sports and rock n roll to boot. In line, skate boarding and BMX kept me quiet but the streetboarders were the icing on my extreme sports cake with their near-Goliath defying stunts. Competing for cash they literally lost their skin and added to their scar collection as the airs got bigger, the tricks got more dangerous and the constitute streak in each of them grew; the fake-skaters (kidding!) pulled in the crowds with double backflips, sevens and a couple of the guys even riding switch. Mental, mental, mental.

The one action sport we could all partake in went down in the sadly rarely-full Kerrang! Stage where rock's finest young talents shook the converted cowshed to the core; despite the questionable acoustics they all battled on to throw out massive mosh-along anthems. Musical highlights came from Young Guns with performances of killer tracks off their new album, All Our Kings Are Dead (go buy it now!). Crazy Arm vibed their punk-blues schmooze across the airwaves and meandered into the ear canals of their captivated crowd. Exit Ten ripped it up with their hardcore melodies and tales of record label woe in a way that most present frontal lobes will be feeling for a while. The Ghosts Of A Thousand, well, TGOAT bowled over the closest to capacity the Kerrang! Stage had seen all weekend with their onstage japes, crowd surfs, circle pits and premature walls of death - third time lucky, eh guys!

Frolics and japes and banter...oh my! The Athlete's Bar was the place to be with the DJs dishing out club bumpers for the kids on the dancefloor and foam half-pipe alike...despite street Goliaths Stripey Neil and Grumpy Josh ladelling under the stars! Nice one guys, you made my NASS.

Lessons From Dan

Lesson 1: Grooveshark and Tesseract (all my friend's are metalheads). If you are not familier with grooveshark I suggest you do so.... NOW!!! Head on over to Google and type it in. Grooveshark is basically a website version of Spotify although anyone can upload songs that they want not just signed published albums etc....

Anyways back to the main point of this, TESSERACT!! They are a UK based progressive metal band from South England and if, like me, you get a bit bored of slapstick vending machine metal that can only be differentiated by the colour of their underwear, then this is most definitely a band for you. There are 2 songs in particular that must be listened too and admired; the first and I think the best al lround sample of tesseract is "April Song" this is just unbelievable and also my favourite. The song starts with a heavy drum line that is a standard signature but the accents are placed uniquely giving the effect that it isnt a standard time or at least in time but trust me it is. They also have this amazing ambient sound effect teamed with heavy thudding bass lines and a couple of distorted guitars which switch back to clean every now again so smoothly that you could go as far as say that this could be a relaxing song!

Song 2 "part 7 sax solo" (if your on groove shark do not choose the one that says "part 7 sax solo old" its not the same and not as good) this shows just how experimental these guys are willing to be. In a nutshell its a sax player soloing over a head bashingly heavy guitar line with drums that make you wanna air drum and jump up and down at the same time. This is not for the impatient as at first it is weird and will grow on you.... very very quickly actually!

All I can say is that get groovesharking everyone and just listen to everything Tesseract have to offer its all immense and there is no other word than awesome.
Dan Colgan

Tuesday 6 July 2010

Mixtape: Daniel Colgan

Daniel Colgan. Twenty one. Jager dude. London lad. Metal enthusiast.
He's sober now and here's his playlist.
Listen to Dan's 20 jawbreakers by clicking this link

It's Crystal Clear

A wonderful package landed on my doormat today. Inside were four wonderful things. Four shiny, new CDs full of beautiful, new music from Crystal Castles, Example, Young Guns and Brendan Perry.

At this exact moment in time, my frontal lobes are wrestling with Young Guns' debut, full length album, All Our Kings Are Dead. It's big and it's very clever. The High Wycombe five-piece have unleashed a dozen tracks beyond their foetal careers; ambitious, honest rock anthemica. One listen will have you attempting to sing along with Gustav and co's shoot-from-the-hip choruses and flailing your limbs around your living room like a crazed, mosh pitting behemoth. It's crystal clear that this is merely the beginning of something beautiful for these Brit rock breakthroughs.

Listen to: Crystal Clear, After The War and Beneath The Waves.
Check out: for summer tour dates and their winter headline UK tour.
Watch: The video for latest single Crystal Clear

Wednesday 30 June 2010

The Boxer

After releasing his debut solo offering, The Boxer, Kele Okereke captivated the John Peel Stage at Glastonbury last weekend. Unleashing the material live a mere five days after its release was a brave move but one that certainly paid off as, despite not quite being a household name yet without the Bloc Party moniker, Kele slaughtered the wrongfully half-full tent with his brand new big hitters.

The Boxer is a collection of eleven dance tracks with rock beats slid inbetween. Kicking off with leviathan track Walking Tall, with its intro of ring-around chants commands you move from the opener. Kele's trademark vocals float over top of mega-watt synths creating an in your face, hyperbolic version of Bloc Party's The Prayer.

Body movers On The Lam, The Other Side and first single off the album, Tenderoni provide the perfect backdrop to any Saturday night showdown with their anthemic hooks and super-massive electronic riffs. Ideal fodder for summer festivals and club nights from here on in.

Although not a whole world away from his Bloc Party past, with this record Kele has taken the next step from his former band to carve a name for himself in the music scene as a solo artist. Showing himself to be the electro-dance-rock wundermeister with his veritable smorgasbord of synthed up noise, he has created an album that is all killer no filler.

The Boxer is available now to buy and download.
Check out tracks:  The Other Side, The New Rules and Tenderoni
For fans of: Bloc Party, Foals and Delphic
Head to: for a free Larry Tee and Beckwith remix of Tenderoni.

In Pursuit Of Courage & Heart

Rob Lynch is Lost On Campus and his latest EP In Pursuit Of Courage & Heart is a burst of acoustic sunshine. A 5-track musing on life's trials and tribulations provides a first glimpse into this storyteller's minds eye.

Open Sesame and I'm A Dreamer, Baby! give an honest insight into young love's dream; stories enveloped in shapely guitars and delicate piano tunes. Singalong choruses and effervescent pop beats make for delectable acoustic fodder for anyone with a beating heart.

An ode to the party lifestyle befitting our generation comes in the form of Whisky. Remembering the stories that are usually laid to rest in the haze of 4am. Lyrics and notes tinged with a mixture of remorse, realism and elation bring the tales of JD fuelled antics to life on a relatable level.

The Party Never Dies adds some much needed variety to what is an acoustic record through and through. By introducing dreamy soundscapes, Lost On Campus truly shows that he is not just a one trick pony but can confidently use fresh sounds and layers to his advantage.

On the whole an EP showcasing an acoustic talent with promise as he laments the realities of life and love through sentimental sonics both palatable, soothing and nostalgic. LOC can sit back and take in the view as In Pursuit Of Courage & Heart sends him on his way to the next big step. Watch this space.

Tuesday 29 June 2010

Mixtape Monday: Sarah Quick and Louise Atack

Mixtape Monday is a touch late this week due to Glastonbury Recover time - basically I slept away Monday. But here it is.

A joint effort from Sarah Quick and Louise Atack. Sarah is a fashion blogger from Cardiff and Glasto-virgin no more. Louise hails from Dubai where she works as a brand manager for Dubai 92. She too is no longer a Glasto-virgin and both girls have found a love for muddy fields, festival strength Brothers and not washing for days on end.
Here is their mixtape.

Thursday 17 June 2010

Hybrid Theory

DJ Jeff Mills has come up with a belter of a gadget. The DJ and producer has created a CD-Vinyl hybrid for those old-school-nu-school bangers. Everything you need to know is at

Monday 14 June 2010

New Music Monday

Ooooh! It is a very exciting day today as the hotly anticipated American Slang was released today. After facing obstacles, like severe writer's block, along the way The Gaslight Anthem's third album is finally available for all to devour. American Slang is complete with ten tracks which effervesces with the spirit of a band who have found their soul, sound and voice. Check out tracks Stay Lucky, The Queen Of Lower Chelsea and title track and first single off the album, American Slang.

We Are Scientists have released their 4th album, entitled Barbara. Another indie pop gem stacked with disco beats, guitar riffs to make you beam from ear to ear and ofcourse Keith Murray's shining light of melodies catchier than a swine flu in a pig sty.

Catch both bands on tours and in various festivals across the country over the coming months.

Mum's Rock

For all those on a Download comedown, or even a lack-of-Download funk, the one and only Suze has created a unique mixtape including some of the best vintage Mum Rock anthems of all time. This collection of tracks from all walks of music life will perk you right up in no time

Monday 7 June 2010

Ben Cockram's Mixtape Monday

Another fine playlist. This week from Dubai's Cardifferent lad, Ben Cockram. Ask how he is and he'll no doubt reply 'mental', he once threw up in a girl's shoes and he really, really loves crisps. Mr Cockram, we heart you and your Pontcanna Cider Summer mixtape.

Stuart Cable Passes, aged 40

This morning Stuart Cable, former Stereophonics' drummer, was found dead at his home in LLwydcoed, South Wales.

A full story complete with tributes from friends and family can be found on BBC News.

Our thoughts go out to his family and friends at this difficult time.

RIP Stuart.

Friday 4 June 2010

JEW New Album News

Emo Godfathers Jimmy Eat World are on the verge of a brand new album, they Tweeted the news only minutes ago. I'm not gonna lie, that is massively exciting.

We're Heading for a Heart Heart Heartbreak

Boys Likes Girls have a brand spanking new video for their brand spanking new single, Heart Heart Heartbreak, which let's be honest is the best pop-rock tune on their new album, Love Drunk.
Here it is...

Just Watch The Fireworks

You can download your free Just Watch The Fireworks EP right here.

Their name is born out of a classic Jimmy Eat World song and the Leeds natives are gifting you their first, self titled EP off the back of 2 years of gigs and writing songs. Just Watch The Fireworks is made from Paul Hewson heading up vocals, John Devlin on guitar and piano,  Lloyd Beaumont on guitar, Conor Dawson on drums and Nick Hart-Woods on bass as they tell tales of growing old not growing up.

Enjoy this delicious taster of alt-pop pie.

Thursday 3 June 2010

Free Religion

Make your way over to today for your exclusive Bad Religion album (Epitaph) as a free download. Bad Religion have been forging the path of punk rock for 30 years with many new bands citing them as major influences.

Born to sing, the first lyrics to fall out of frontman Greg Graffin's mouth at that first rehearsal were sung to the tune of 'This isn't art, this is suicide', something sure to make his school choir teachers shudder.

Armed with only a microphone borrowed from Brett, a 'head full of anti-authoritarian ideas' and a leather jacket from his Grandma which he poetically spray painted with 'Fuck armageddon this is hell', Bad Religion started on their epic journey in 1980.

1981 saw the start of big things when 'Bad Religion' was written, recorded and released as a 7" EP on a cassette and passed it over to future band member, Circle Jerk's Greg Hetson. He in turn dropped the recording into the hands of legendary LA punk, DJ Rodney Bingenheimer, and Bad Religion hit the airwaves on his popular Sunday night radio show. A buzz whirled around the first punk band to hail from San Fernando Valley, aka The Valley. With a mainstay fan base coming from all cultures and backgrounds, Bad Religion have their first show in The Vex, East Soho in Los Angeles to thank; a venue with a bad reputation for 'gangs, shootings and fights'.

From 1982's How Could Hell Be Any Worse? to 1983's genius like Into The Unknown  right up to No Control, Against The Grain and Generator, The Holy Trilogy of Bad Religion's discography, and beyond this LA punk troubadours are still as relevant and adored now as 30 years ago.

Download their exclusive live album for free at

Monday 31 May 2010

Slam Dunk in 30 seconds

Last night I returned back to the Diff after a London weekend of frolics and one hell of a day at Slam Dunk South in the Uni of Herts, Hatfield.

In a nutshell, here's what went down:
1980's mane inducing rain, lots and lots of rock and punk and pop and rock and reggae-metal and acoustic, Rolo Tomassi pretty barking. Save Your Breath on Young Guns being 'dishy', June and Jude (and Debs), cake houses and jelly drums. Moneen big rock, baby pics and Max Blaze.  L'Amour La Morgue, rocked the shit out of Babycakes Bar. Fortune cookies from Sam Little - You are awesome and that's a fact! Mini-albums from Lost On Campus. Straight Lines predict knarly Jager vomit waves courtesy of all festie lovers simultaneous up-chucking will carry us all to Leeds. Security riots and disgruntled festival goers. Cider showers. Skindred hating on Florence and the Machine. NEW FOUND GLORY hold my hand Sonny sing alongs. Getting lost round Shoreditch, Cargo rip offs with Quicks and Toplis - HOW MUCH? - and Jamie T window ledge karaoke at 8am.

And that kids, is how to kick start any festival season.

More Free Trent

Trent Reznor and his brand new band, formed with his wife Mariqueen Maandig. How To Destroy Angels are set to release their forthcoming EP as a free download on June 1st 2010.

The six-track EP will be available from the band's official website, from June 1st. A physical, in-your-hand CD of the band's debut album will be available from June 6th, and the vinyl will be released at a later.

The EP's tracklisting is as follows:
'The Space In Between'

'The Believers'
'A Drowning'

Thank you Mr Reznor!

Alton Earl Williams' Mixtape Monday

This week's corker of a Mixtape comes straight from Battle Royale With Cheese head honcho, Alton Earl Williams. The film buff sure has not disappointed in what can only be described as magical.

Wednesday 26 May 2010

Virtual Insanity: Live!

The wait is over.

Michael Eavis has unveilled U2's replacements in the shape of the animated and slightly psychotic, Gorillaz. Damon Albarn will take to the Pyramid Stage as a headliner for the second year in a row - last Summer he was with his Kings of Britpop, Blur. Although earlier today, rumours of Led Zeppelin taking over the top slot did the rounds, I for one am excited to see what Damon Albarn and James Hewlett, aka 2D, Murdoc, Noodle and Russell, have stowed up their sleeves, poised and ready to attack the possible 90,000 strong crowd on the first big night of Glastonbury's 40th Anniversary.

Monday 24 May 2010

RIP Paul Gray

According to Des Moines' local authority sources, Slipknot's bassist Paul Gray was found dead in his hotel room. Causes of death are unknown but no foul play has been suspected.
Full story on

Our thoughts go out to his family at this difficult time.

Mixtape Monday: Louise Toplis

Mixtape Monday is back again, and this week we have a corker from the one and only, Miss Louise Toplis.
In a nutshell: a Derby hailing, Cardiff loving, 25 year old, BGT music running, UV painting, indie Festival dancing queen. She has the X Factor. Does her mixtape?

Dizzee for Headline Status

Ok, now I am a bit of a closet Dizzee Rascal fan - how can one man, one MC and one mic  whip so many into such a frenzy? Well with Bono's dodgy back, Dizzee's dreams of headlining Glastonbury could be coming true in a matter of weeks. The full story is on The Press Association website.

Would Dizzee be big enough to headline the Pyramid stage and its 40th Anniversary? What do you think?

Sunday 23 May 2010

Bay Side Cover Ups

The Sea Society, A couple of surfers from New South Wales have put their own stamp on Mumford & Sons' Little Lion Man. Acoustic, delicate and aurally sweet; we'll keep an eye on other cover-ups from The Sea Society.

Tuesday 18 May 2010

Secret Glastonbury Superhouse

Glastonbury just got brighter!

There is an as yet unannounced superhouse of a band performing at this year's Glastonbury Festival. Oh my gosh, we are in for an absolute stonker of a treat!

The at-the-moment secret act should be revealed within the next week....

Who do you think it could be?

Sunday 16 May 2010

Mixtape Monday

Music Monday? Nope, not anymore. On BBPD every Monday is Mixtape Monday and to kick off proceedings I'm slapping on the current double-side fillers that are gripping my ears on a daily basis.
Remember, Mixtapes are to be loved not judged. Enjoy!


Mixtapes. Mixtapes. Mixtapes.

Everyone loves a good mixtape. And I want yours!
Send in your home made 20 track playlists in classic cassette format, ie with an A side and a B side, 10 songs per side. Oh, and a photo of your beautiful face to brighten up my page would be super. I'll pop one of your musical snacks up every Music Monday for all to enjoy.


Thursday 13 May 2010

Pop goes Rock

The Sun have exclusively revealed the brand new pop video from Kids In Glass Houses featuring The Saturdays' pop-princess Frankie Sandford. Undercover Lover is a sing-along track with more key changes than a locksmith and plenty of pop beats to boot, although for me the vibe is way too much S Club not enough Kids In Glass Houses. Bitch.
Watch the pop tart of a video at

Musically Drifting

Tomorrow night sees Cardiff-based MC/vocalist, Skunkadelic, present his debut full length album at Cardiff Arts Institute. An artist with a distinct and unique sound, the South Wales native has collaborated with some of Britain's finest MCs and producers including MudmowthAbstract Soundz and Metabeats amongst others. Expect a night packed to the lego-wall with dynamic funk fusions, technical cuts and massive good vibes as Skunkadelic showcases tracks from his debut, Musically Drifting.

For a sneak peak head to and

40 Days

A quickie Glasto countdown.....
The Enemy won't be there but we sure will be as it is a mere 40 Days and 40 nights until we are under the stars and alco-rocking around Stone Circle and as many Silent Discos as we can manage!

Here's a countdown clock to keep watch and get ready for the 40th anniversary of the year. Shame about Shakira though.


Buzzfest, Houston.

30 Seconds To Mars, complete with Jared Leto's fetching hot pink mohawk, are performing hit single The Kill. Bouncing onto the stage, fresh from his band's Diamond of a new album and looking in tip top form, is none other than Deftones' Chino Moreno.

Saturday 8 May 2010

Save Your Pennies

I've just been abusing my iTunes account - amongst other things, I acquired Diamond Eyes by Deftones, obvs natch - and then stumbled upon Save Your Breath. After seeing them as support to Young Guns this week, I investigated the Newport rocker's back catalogue and found an absolute gem. Hold your Nothing Worth Having Comes Easy but it sure is great value at £1.29 for 10 pop-punk-rock wonder tracks. What a bobby bargain. Save Your Breath save you money. Get involved. Diolch!


Friday 7 May 2010

A Different View

I've been keeping myself busy and of late been doing bits and bobs for the lovely people at Alternative Vision. Head over to the latest E-magazine for interviews with The Computers, Sorry and the Sinatras and GU Medicine. As well as reviews of Moneen, Boys Like Girls, The Paddingtons (on the website only) and tons of other bands.

Coming up in next month's E-magazine will be interviews with Slaves To Gravity and Young Guns.


Monday 3 May 2010

Fading Fader Fades Out...

Tonight I've swapped neon bright, tattoos and mohawks for washed out pastels, 80's throwback hair dos a la Flock Of Seaguls and a hell of a lot of acid wash jeggings. Tonight in Cardiff's Students' Union, I am standing in a sea of Jack Wills clad indie and awaiting The Temper Trap to take to the stage. As the crowd buzzes with excitement for the impending indie-pop-electro fest about to befall us, a gaggle of girls to my left are mocking the Welsh accent. 'Hmmmm,' I think to myself, 'What would Stacey do?' Well she would probably either stare them all down while her plus 1 watches on in a mixture of bewilderment and fear or giggle and carry on drinking her cider. A tiny part of me wanted to smite her with my oh-so-trendy military boot but I obviously resist and continue to enjoy the build up to one of NME's favourite indie crooners.

Now, to me, an hour between doors and the first act seems a little excessive; hopefully Sarah Blasko is peppy enough to whip up the chatty student types who are filling the Great Hall to its capacity.

A small woman, followed by a quartet of instrument wielding men, assemble on the stage and smoulder in with bluesy rhythms laced around pretty vocals.Tinged with warm summer vibes Sarah Blasko, and her overflowing music box of tricks, is the perfect accompaniment to your beach barbeque and ideal Glastonbury fodder; to quote the gig goer behind me 'She is something to chillax to'. He's not far wrong as she intertwines fragile and echoing vocals with tenderly soft drums and her Mum-dance shapes. Nigh on mouse like in her mannerisms, Sarah Blasko seems so timid, as though she lacks in confidence in some way, which is completely unfounded as despite her drummer appearing to yawn about 3 songs in, she really is a talent. Although she would appeal to all levels of indie fans with her Kate Nash/Laura Marling/Vampire Weekend vibes, she failed to raise the temperature inside the venue. Thus, we were all as cold as before she stepped up to the mic.

The Temper Trap are proving to be worth the long wait and gave us all exactly what we needed in the shape of tension builder Drum Song for starter and Fader for their second course. Cue massive chorus sing alongs, hands in the air and dance parties breaking out, as the crowd went as nuts as is 'cool' to. Choosing tracks from their album Conditions, we are being treated to everything from Down River to ever popular Sweet Disposition whose extended intro has been punctuated so neatly with tamborines in time with firefly lighting patterns.

A delightful mix of haunting vocals and loop-the-looping us up-and-over from dance beats to the downright chilled out as Love Lost induces clusters of dance troops throughout the capacity audience. The Temper Trap's live set has a distinct prog-rock element to it as the emotion on each note speaks more than any lyric could.

The inevitable two-song encore lent to us a brand new song, Battle, which is laden in swaying riffs and rhythms tinged with melancholy. Not a whole world away from the offerings on Conditions but still a wonderful track to hear live.

For me, a super chilled out set with fabulously dynamic lighting throughout that kept me guessing more than the music did; the water drumming is a seemingly apt climax for the Cardiff first timers finale. Even the first row got wet. A decent evening but nothing adventurous. No improvs. No risks. Just plenty of dance-indie-electro-pop fun.


Lilli Rose Eat Your Heart Out

They may not have showcased one of my personal favourite tunes from their new album, but with a support-set-sampler from Dirt and debut album Smart Casual, how could Kids In Glass Houses go wrong?

Starting us off with Matters At All and showering their supporters in a climax of Sunshine, took us all on a rollercoaster of infectious pop rock complete with anthemic singalongs that dare you not to join in. Tasty treats in the shape of Saturday and common-cold-catchy Give Me What I Want saw dance parties break out throughout Cardiff International Arena; clusters of manical arm throwers and shape shifters dotted themselves sporadically like a chicken pox rash. Less gross of course.

Set over. Kids In Glass Houses' depart. We wait. Then it happens. If It Wasn't For Hate kicks in and all the kids go wild. Lostprophets are home and mustering every joule of their energy to give us an epic show.

Throwing out every club banger from lovelorn Darkest Blue to kicking in Can't Catch Tomorrow with the intro from The FratellisChelsea Dagger thrown in for good measure. Then there's nostaligic anthem Last Summer commanding you to move and gleefully scream with it's major chorus and unmistakable intro riff. Sadly there was no Fake Sound Of Progress nor was there any Shinobi Vs Dragon Ninja battles but when Ian and the boys covered The Prodigy's Omen that things really went off. The arena went beserk. As beserk as Lostprophets were back in the day. And that, my friends, is beserk!

You know you are in Wales, you know you are home when deafening Canon Lan singalongs and chants of WALES WALES break out between a nigh on capacity family.

Taking inspiration from Guns N Roses, alongside other peers in the modern music industry, 'Prophets borrowed Sweet Child Of Mine's intro to lead them sweetly into another tale of belonging and home sweet home sensibility of Where We Belong. A 'club banger' if ever I heard one.

Extending the intro to Rooftops (A Liberation Broadcast) was a purely genius idea as the anticipation and tension built and built in the crowd for the climax of what has been a killer show.

Climatical. Epic. Lush.
Lostprophets are back.


Thursday 29 April 2010

Slave For You

A very quickie review of last night's gig in Clwb Ifor Bach....

Last night I experienced rock. Tattoo clad, ear wrestling, teeth shaking rock from The Kix, Slaves To Gravity and Black Spiders melted me, and about 200 other gig goers, down to the quick.

Girls who play guitars, The Kix, laid bare punchy covers of ACDC and Jet classics and a number of orginal emo pop tunes, which on the outside may have sounded akin to distorted noise but on closer examination showed potential to win over more than a 50 strong starter crowd.

We were then served a slice of modern rock pie from the Slaves To Gravity menu. Delicious licks of hardrock candied together with songs dripping in abrasive riffs and hip shaking rhythms entertained the undeservedly meagre crowd. Playing hard, despite being in front of a crowd who looked more like they were waitin for their A level exams results than for a rock show to kick in, Slaves To Gravity, completed by Tommy Gleeson on vocals and guitar, Toshi Ogawa on bass, Mark Verney on lead guitar and Jase Bowld on drums, showed their gumption and flare and flagged themselves, with an album due for release this year, as one to watch. Warning: streaming tracks will not prepare you for these boys live but you can do so at

After being warmed up by Tommy and co, Black Spiders came, saw and conquered in Clwb with their anecdotes of Daisy Duke/death-by-Kiss dreams, haunting intros and brain damaging head banging. Mangle this togther with manical expressions frightening enough to send Freddie Kruger into a month of sleepless nights and you'll get close to imagining the situ. What good is a rock without a roll? Not much. But the way the guitarists go so naturally from physically abusing their axes to tenderly stroking it like they are embracing a loved one is surely the bigger question to ask.

All in all, maniacs in guyliner, noir threads and seemingly on the edge of serial homocide were the flavour of the night. My body is yet to recover from the abuse.


Saturday 24 April 2010

May Day! May Day!

Euurrrgh! The weekend before payday is always rife with unequivocal shitness. Yup, sad times. Silver linings often keep themselves highly camoflaged but this is a silver lining shiny enough to whip a flock of magpies into a highly reflective frenzy.

Cardiff's first weekend of May holds more musical snacks than a Wimbledon picnic.

May 1st sees High Wycombe's Young Guns rock out a matinee show in Clwb Ifor Bach. Armed with brand spanking new material this nigh on sold out Cardiff date is set to be a pre-summer scorcher with new single Sons Of Apathy out now to buy.

If Welsh music is more your bag then I suggest you definitely get yourselves down to Cardiff International Arena on the evening of May 1st for a night of club bangers courtesy of Pontypridd's finest Lostprophets. With support from Kids In Glass Houses, both bands sporting some jazzy new material under their belts and Ian Watkin's unquenchable desire to beat the crap out of 30STM, you're not going to want to miss out on antics from Wales' favourite rock kids.

As if that isn't enough for you, indie beats from melodramatic Melbourne man-band The Temper Trap are playing to a sold out Cardiff Uni Great Hall. The Aussies will be awaiting your already thrice battered frontal lobes, ready to soothe away all the hurt with their electro indie cwtches on May 2nd.

What? You still want more? In one weekend that isn't a festival? Crumbs! Well lucky for you  Cardiff Student's Union is housing an eyeball shaking all dayer, thanks to Grab Promotions and P4 Music. The likes of Pulled Apart By Horses, The Guns and Cardiff newbies Straight Lines act as support for the mighty The Bronx and their marraccas-weilding alter egos Mariachi El Bronx. All on May 2nd.

Think of it as Festival Season warm-up.

Info and ticket deets are below and on the bands' Facebook/Myspace/Twitter/Official Websites and:
Cardiff University Box Office
Ticketline UK (Cardiff)
Spillers Records (Cardiff)
Derricks Records (Swansea)
Diverse Music (Newport)


Thursday 15 April 2010

Just Play!

Normally the venue of choice for the hundreds of grunge mongers, indie junkies and too-cool-for-school wannabes who pack like sardines in a can on the relatively small upstairs bar/dance floor area every weekend,  Ten Feet Tall was distinctively subdued, although the presence of a sprinkling of cool kids was noted. Tonight, acoustic reigned supreme with four talented young Welsh men taking to the stage with their dulcite tones and melodic chords.

So soothe were the sounds coming from Pete Winters, that it took half of his first song before the audience made their way stage side. Ain't Gonna Sing SLS (no more) was such a track, written a modest 2 days previously about a certain review written about his 'sentimental love songs'. Stringing out tunes like Blueberry ODE and Untitled #2 , Winters had the room eating out of the palm of his hand with his cocktail of RnB/folk/reggae/soul infusions. So inspired by his lyrics was one group of friends that a round of chinese whispers began - surprisingly the song was Chinese Whispers, if you can believe it! Unbelieveably unsigned, it surely cannot be long until this eclectic young soul is snapped up.

Winter without the Williams.

Following proceedings saw Joshua Caole hypnotise everyone of us with his own brand of folk; reflective in parts of Get Cape. Wear Cape. Fly. Pretty bluegrass beats provided the perfect backdrop to the night where communication between onlookers was silent; everything that needed to be said was conveyed with a look, a nod, a smile.

Joshua Caole does his thing.

Third on the bill was Stephen Light providing country affected folk, with essence of rock n roll chucked in for good measure, was all in a night's work for this Caerleon native. And boy, does he make it look easy. For me, Wandering Eyes was the highlight of his set; a song filled with heartbreaking truths and themes many can relate to. Oh, and harmonica. You know, to add extra melancholy to a song already saturated in the tradegy of reality.

Stephen Light. He has a harmonica.

Bill topper Christopher Rees and his beautiful guitar stepped up. Wow. Mixing up rockabilly riffs with tasty 1950's licks, you would be forgiven for thinking he was a child of the foothills of North Carolina. Actually, he's from The Diff. Rees has a truly unique voice that has silky smoothe tones and unequivocal grit in equal measures. Pulling this in with lyrical brilliance and story telling savvy that would send a shudder down Mark Twain's spine has gifted us with one hell of a singer/song writer talent.
THE guitar.

Songs like Bet Your Bottom Dollar and Take My Hand only set in stone the man who stood before us; a man whose guitar is a mere extension of his being. A man who as quickly he can make you dance can leave you dumbfounded. A man who stuck up for the Bird who yelled 'Just play' as he regaled us with the story behind the next song. Christopher Rees' latest album, Devil's Bridge is out now.


Wednesday 14 April 2010

Shakira Hudgens?

Latest pop child to be handed the Princess of Pop 15 minutes is Selena Gomez. This is what you need to know: she looks like Vanessa Hudgens, sounds like Shakira and rips of videos from The White Stripes and, erm, Cheryl Cole. Nicely done, flower.

Here's her cracking video so you can decide for yourself.


Tuesday 13 April 2010

Anywhere But Here

I'm on a small Mayday Parade kick at the mo. I'm relishing the nostalgic teen angst with the Tallahassee quintet's latest rock-pop offering, Anywhere But Here. Showering upon us a tale of modern romance with 1-shy-of-a-dozen 3 minute wonders; inparticular new single Kids In Love and break-up anthem If You Can't Live Without Me, Why Aren't You Dead Yet?.

Angst and melancholy packed lyrics featuring in my personal favourite, Bruised And Scarred: 'Baby what's it like to be in love I don't wanna know', pave the way for the chain of gig bangers with lashings of heart-break depression, hints of hope and a glimmering backbeat, compelling you to form a living room mosh pit.

I'm a fan.

Listen to: Kids In Love, Bruised And Scarred and The End.


Thursday 8 April 2010

Kids, eh!

Who is emo, poppy and sporting great hair? That's right, it's Mayday Parade and they have made a steamy video for brand spanking new single, Kids In Love. The tune is wicked. The video is controversial. Enjoy it....only if you are over 18. YouTube won't let you otherwise. Seriously.
Click the link here to take a peak. Literally.

You can buy or download their new album, Anywhere But Here, right now! Go on. Do it. I dare you.